Monday, July 18, 2005

A day in my life

Í gær skrifaði ég eftirfarandi bréf til starfsfólksins okkar:

A Day in my life

Today we decided to treat ourselves and go to the Greyton Lodge as guests for lunch. First I talked to the waitron and told her that we where going to be guests for lunch and that we wanted service like any other guest. I asked her also to first ensure all the tablecloths in the garden or remove them because the wind was getting very strong and some of the table cloths where already half blown of some of the tables.

We sat down outside, even though the wind was blowing strong. Out came the waitron 5 minutes later with the menu. I asked what was the pasta of the day and she said it was a creamy something pasta. I asked here what does that mean? She went into the kitchen to check and came back with the information that it was Al Fredo pasta. What is that? Creamy pasta with mushroom and something. Wasn’t very impressed with her response, but let it pass. We ordered our drinks and food. Lovisa and Gabriel went for the pasta and Boi for the Danish meat fricadellas and me for the Icelandic fish fricadellas.
Lesion 1. Know what the specials of today are and know the menu so that you can explain to the guests all the dishes.

Drinks came quickly but it took a long time for the food to come out. Almost to long because we needed to drive the early shift home. Out came the food. Pasta looked nice even though it was not a correct Al Fredo, but nice pasta anyhow. Boi´s meat fricadellas where only two (should be 3) and 3 very small potatoes, Red cabbage and corn. The jam was missing. Boi sent it back into the kitchen and asked the staff to figure out what was wrong with the dish. My fish fricadellas where also only two, 3 small potatoes, red cabbage, corn and the remolade sauce was missing. The waitron told me that they could not find the remolade sauce in the kitchen, but she would bring it out as soon as they had found it. I took the plate into the kitchen and told the chef that it should be 3 fricadellas on both plates, the jam was missing on the meat fricadellas and with the fish fricadellas there should not be any red cabbage or corn. Please read the menu and make sure the plates are made according to the menu. She informed me that she could not find the remolade sauce and it was probably finished. I informed her that Boi had made a big portion of remolade Friday evening after all the dishes had gone out and there had not been that many dishes with remolade served after that, so it should be somewhere in the fridges. Look again.

Boi took his plate out himself when he got jam and my plate came out a bit later with 3 fricadellas and roasted veggies and the sauce came a bit later. It wasn’t remolade, it was maynaise. I went into the kitchen and met the waitron on the way. Told the waitron that it wasn’t remolade and I wanted remolade. She was informed by the chef that it is remolade and out she came with the sauce again. I got very cross. Was already half way through the fricadellas without the remolade. Took the plate into the kitchen Told the chef to please do the dishes according to the menu.
Lesion 2. If you don’t have all the ingrediance that are supposed to be on the dishes according to the menu, tell the waitron and she will inform the guest, offer a different sauce or what ever or offer the guest to order something else.
Lesion 3. If the food is delayed, please tell the waitron and she will inform the guest. It is much better for the guest to know rather than just sitting and waiting and getting impatient.

While all this was happening, I could not see the waitron. Our table had empty glasses and our ashtray was dirty. The wind was getting stronger and I noticed that one of the chairs had been blown over and one table cloth had been blown away. I ran into the garden and rescued all the table cloths, turned over all the tables and chairs. This was to be our little time off where we would be treated as guests after a busy weekend. If I had been an outside guest having lunch at this restaurant, I would think twice before coming again for lunch.

Late addition
I went home to take a rest and came late back. It was very slow and the last guests where about to leave after early dinner. Boi had ordered the Danish meat fricadellas for me as a takeaway. I decided to eat it just after the staff went home so I went into the kitchen and heated the food. Started eating, the fricadellas looked strange in shape. It wasn’t meat fricadellas, it was hamburgers served as meat fricadellas. I got very disappointed and returned the plate into the kitchen. Made myself a sandwich. Why do I bother to eat at this restaurant and more important why do the guests come back again if they are getting the same kind of food as I, the owner is getting? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Ps. At 6 o’clock in the afternoon, the remolade sauce was found in the store room, in the window.

Þetta var nú það sem ég skrifaði til starfsfólksins okkar og hengdi upp í eldhús. En, það var nú meira en þetta get ég sagt ykkur vegna þess að ég átti mjög erfid orðaskipti við kokkinn (Silvíu) og endaði á því að segja við hana að ef hún gæti ekki eldað mat eins og hann á að vera samkvæmt uppskriftum og samkvæmt matseðli þá skildi hún hugsa sig um hvort hún ætti ekki bara að leita sér að annarri vinnu.

Talaði svo við þjóninn. Spurði hana hvort hún hefði ekki skilið mig þegar ég sagði henni að við ætluðum að vera gestir í 2 tíma og vildum fá þjónustu og að ég hefði beðið hana um að taka dúkana af útiborðunum. Sagði henni að ég hefði tekið þá og snúið borðum og stólum á hvolf vegna þess að þeir væru að fjúka. Það var fátt um svör. Ég spurði hana hvort hún hefði gleymt þessu, nennti ekki að gera það sem hún væri beðin um eða langaði ekki til þess. Það var fátt um svör. Ég sagði henni að við hefðum ekkert við starfsfólk að gera sem gæti ekki sinnt vinnunni sinni. Ef ég þyrfti að gera allt sjálfur, þá gæti ég gert það, en henni væri borgað fyrir að vinna hérna.

Ég fór út og beið í 2-3 mínútur. Heyrði að hún fór inn í bakherbergi og var að kjafta við Gulltönn. Þá fór ég inn aftur og spurði hana höstuglega hvort hún skyldi ekki að ég hefði beðið hana um að taka dúkana af útiborðunum. Jú sagði hún. Og hvað, ætlarðu þá ekki að taka seinustu 3 dúkana af, eða þarf ég að gera það líka. Viltu gjöra svo vel að taka þá af núna strax. Ef þú getur ekki sinnt vinnunni þinni þá ættirðu e.t.v. að fara að leita þér að annarri vinnu. Hef ekki þörf fyrir fólk sem getur ekki sinnt verkefnunum.

Trúlega erum við núna án eins kokks og eins þjóns. Varð kannski aðeins of bráður, en þetta var allt rétt samt. Við Bói ræddum þetta mikið og tókum ákvörðum um að stokka soldið rækilega upp hjá okkur, án þess að láta staffið vita af því. Bói tekur yfir eldhúsið og ég tek yfir þjonana. Lovísa er búin að hjálpa okkur að gera tékklista fyrir eldhúsið eins og er gert á Burger King. Við ætlum að gera þessa tékklista í dag og að endurskipuleggja eldhúsið, svo maður lendi nú ekki í því að geta ekki fundið eitthvað, eða taka óvart hamborgara í staðinn fyrir kjötbollur.


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