Viðtal við Louna
Eftirfarandi viðtal birtist í bæjarblaðinu hérna:
Helena (Louna) Kroukamp, the head chef at Greyton Lodge has been working there for 25 years odd years serving locals and guests alike. To celebrate this occasion and her 50th birthday, the Lodge decided to take her on a memorable two-week trip to Iceland.
Louna began working at the Lodge 1984 when the owner, Leonard Glass, transformed what was then the old police station into a hotel. Having worked in Cape Town for four years, this was quite a departure for Louna, as she learned new skills and different country’s cuisines. She quickly became competent at vegetarian, Halaal and Mediterranean cooking.
The trip was Louna’s first abroad and her first plane trip. They stopped off in London for a fleeting visit but managed to squeeze in a sight-seeing trip to Buckingham Palace, the horse guards, and a bit of shopping in Oxford Street.
There was lots to see and old friends to visit in Iceland, as many of Boi and Villi’s friends and family had stayed at the Lodge over the years.
Louna says the highlight of her visit was a trip to the famous “Geysir” (all geysers in the world are named after this one) the geyser where hot water erupts out of the ground at regular intervals. She also met Iceland’s former president, Vigdis Finnbogadottir, who was the first female president elected in the world, (seen with Louna and Villi above) and had a memorable meal at “Humarhusid”, a well-known lobster restaurant.
Louna was interviewed by the Icelandic Broadcasting TV while cooking in the borrowed kitchen of one of Reykjavik’s finest restaurants. She was also interviewed by Gestgjafinn, the Icelandic ‘Eat Out’ magazine.
Asked what food she enjoyed, Louna mentioned in particular the many varieties of fish, cooked in different styles. On her last evening in Iceland the family and friends threw a party for her and Louna did most of the cooking in thanks to Villi and friends for their kind hospitality.
Helena (Louna) Kroukamp, the head chef at Greyton Lodge has been working there for 25 years odd years serving locals and guests alike. To celebrate this occasion and her 50th birthday, the Lodge decided to take her on a memorable two-week trip to Iceland.
Louna began working at the Lodge 1984 when the owner, Leonard Glass, transformed what was then the old police station into a hotel. Having worked in Cape Town for four years, this was quite a departure for Louna, as she learned new skills and different country’s cuisines. She quickly became competent at vegetarian, Halaal and Mediterranean cooking.
The trip was Louna’s first abroad and her first plane trip. They stopped off in London for a fleeting visit but managed to squeeze in a sight-seeing trip to Buckingham Palace, the horse guards, and a bit of shopping in Oxford Street.
There was lots to see and old friends to visit in Iceland, as many of Boi and Villi’s friends and family had stayed at the Lodge over the years.
Louna says the highlight of her visit was a trip to the famous “Geysir” (all geysers in the world are named after this one) the geyser where hot water erupts out of the ground at regular intervals. She also met Iceland’s former president, Vigdis Finnbogadottir, who was the first female president elected in the world, (seen with Louna and Villi above) and had a memorable meal at “Humarhusid”, a well-known lobster restaurant.
Louna was interviewed by the Icelandic Broadcasting TV while cooking in the borrowed kitchen of one of Reykjavik’s finest restaurants. She was also interviewed by Gestgjafinn, the Icelandic ‘Eat Out’ magazine.
Asked what food she enjoyed, Louna mentioned in particular the many varieties of fish, cooked in different styles. On her last evening in Iceland the family and friends threw a party for her and Louna did most of the cooking in thanks to Villi and friends for their kind hospitality.
Frábært hvað frúin hefur fengið góða athygli og gaman að sjá myndirnar hennar Ásu..... verð að fara að draugast til að senda þér mínar, alltaf sama slugsið á mér. Villi minn sendi þér upplýsingar um veitingastaðinn í Cape Town sem ég sagði þér frá, þau eru búin að gefa út matreiðslubók, endilega kíktu á .
Annars allt gott að frétta, er á fullu að mála íbúðina, rafvirkinn að klára og ég geri ráð fyrir að flytja um eða strax eftir helgi..... Bestu kveðjur til allra, hringi fljótlega. Ykkar Hófý
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